About US
Sportskeeda - For the hardcore sports fan
Established in 2009, Absolute Sports is the parent company of Sportskeeda.com, ProFootballNetwork.com, SoapCentral.com and Deltiasgaming.com. We are a subsidiary of Nazara Technologies, the only publicly listed Indian gaming / diversified media company.
Sportskeeda is a global sports content platform that covers the world's biggest sports and esports subjects and serves over 100 Million fans every month. Our passionate team comprises top content creators from around the world who produce hundreds of well-researched content pieces on a daily basis. Sportskeeda has market leadership in multiple sports in the US, being #10 in Comscore rankings and a very close #2 in India (All Sports).
ProFootballNetwork.com is a NFL-focused property in the US with +11M monthly users.
SoapCentral.com is a leading soap opera content destination in the US.
Deltiasgaming.com is a dynamic and thriving online platform dedicated to providing gamers of all skill levels with top-notch content, valuable resources, and an engaging community.
We are a Great Place to Work certified organization, with employees and contributors working from various corners of the globe
TheΒ Opportunity
We are looking for SEO Analyst for our subsidiary company- ProFootballNetwork.com
Location: Remote
Experience: 2+ Yrs
Role: Contract
Shifts: US Shift (night shift)
Sports Preference: US Sports
Key Responsibilities
- Keyword Research: Conduct thorough keyword research based on intent to identify high-performing and relevant keywords for website content optimization.
- On-Page Optimization: Optimize website content w.r.t. Keywords density, , meta title, meta description, Heading Tags, contextual internal linkings, tags, and other on-page elements to align with targeted keywords based on SEO best practices for optimization.
- Content Strategy: Collaborate with content creators to develop SEO-friendly content that aligns with the overall strategy and meets the needs of the target audience.
- Analytics and Reporting: Monitor and analyze website performance using tools like Google Analytics. Provide regular reports on key SEO metrics, trends, and insights to stakeholders.
- Competitor Analysis: Stay informed about industry trends and competitor activities. Conduct regular analysis to identify opportunities for improvement and maintain a competitive edge.
- Tech SEO : Conduct technical site audits to identify issue like indexing, 404 error codes, improper rendering, low page load speed, broken links, etc. and suggest recommendations to resolve the same
- SEO Audits: Perform regular SEO audits to assess the effectiveness of existing strategies and recommend adjustments for continuous improvement.
- Proven experience as an SEO Analyst or in a similar role with Projects and case studies
- In-depth knowledge of SEO best practices, search engine algorithms, and ranking factors.